Is this Pulp?
Yeah ..... I might have to justify this one, in a blog titled "Pulpfan", but ....
Although Isaac Bashevis Singer is usually esteemed as an author of "li-ter-a-chur", this story exemplifies a number of the virtues of pulp fiction:
- A simple and direct writing style.
- A straightforward, chronological plotline, leading up to a pleasing and satifying climax and resolution.
- Archetypal, if not stereotypical characters.
- And ... yes ... an appeal to sentiment, particularly towards the end
I had downloaded it, on a whim, to my ebook reader, and read it whilst taking a walk, having pulled it up by mistake. I planned to just read a screen or two to get the gist, and then return to the article I had originally intended to read .... and read it straight through to the end.
Perhaps! The protagonist is a young woman who devotes her life to caring for animals, and I have had beloved pets I've cared for most of my life. I can understand such a dedication.
Also, she is content to live a very simple lifestyle in order to devote herself to her mission (as I do, myself, to devote myself avocation. Again, I can relate).
Decidedly!: Particularly if you love animals, have an avocation to which you have devoted your life, and/or are just fond of Jewish literature and culture.